Challenge by Frontend Mentor. Coded by DpathF.

Authentic Adjarian khachapuri Recipe

This open-faced cheese pie is the version of khachapuri that's the most responsible for putting khachapuri on the map. It is made with yeasted dough which is shaped into an oblong and then filled with a mixture of Imeratian and sulguni cheese, and to which some milk is often added as well to help achieve the right consistency. The assembled khachapuri is shortly baked in the hot oven, and a couple of minutes before it's done, an egg is plopped on top of the cheese. The pie is then returned to the oven, so the egg partially bakes. Adjarian khachapuri is served straight out of the oven with a pat of butter on top which is to be mixed into the filling before eating.










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Cooking Tips


There are two ways you can shape the bread. One way is to shape the dough into a "boat" first and then fill it with cheese, and the other way is first to \spread the rolled out dough with cheese and then shape it into a boat, which will make for a cheese-filled outer rim. Another trick that's often used is to add grated cheese to the ends of the bread before they are sealed together as that will provide more crunch and texture when baked.


Since Georgian cheese will probably not be readily available in most countries besides Georgia, using mozzarella and feta in equal amounts is the next best thing as it will produce similar results as using Imeratian and sulguni cheese.


Eating with a fork and knife is perfectly okay, but if you'd like the full experience, eat it the way they do it in Georgia. So, when khachapuri comes to the table, you first mix the egg and the butter into the cheese using a fork. Then, you tear the pieces of the bread and dunk them into the cheese first before you pop them into your mouth.